What does Ethical Hacking mean ?

Ethical hacking is also known as White hat hacking or penetration testing. Ethical hacking is the authorised attempt to gain unauthorised access to a computer system or data. Ethical hacking is done to improve system and network security by repairing vulnerabilities discovered during testing.
Ethical hackers increase an organization’s security posture. Ethical hackers employ the same tools, methods, and strategies as malevolent hackers, but with the approval of the authorised individual. The goal of ethical hacking is to increase system security and fight against malicious user attacks.
Ethical Hacking includes
1. Introduction
- What is hacking
- Diff. B/W Hacking & Ethical Hacking
- Basic Terminologies
- Types of Hackers
- What is Penetration Testing
- Types of Penetration Testing
2. Networking
- Ports & Protocols
- Introduction to Subnetting
- OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, DHCP, ARP,
- DNS, 3-Way Handshake, Topologies
3. Linux Basics
- Linux File System
- Basic Commands
- Basic File Configurations
- Windows Commands
- Diff. B/W Linux & Windows
- Shell Scripting Basics
4. Important tools
5. Network Hacking
- Wifi Hacking (WPA & WPA2)
- ARP Spoofing
- DNS Cache Poisoning
- DHCP Starvation, MITM, Evil Twin
6. Network Testing
- Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation, Privilliage Escalation
7. Web App Testing
- Understanding How Client & Server Works (Architecture)
- Proxy
- OWASP Top-10 (Vulnerabilities)
- Report Writing
8. Steganography
- Introduction
- Steganalysis
9. Social Engineering
- Introduction
- Social Media Hacking
10. OSINT & Dark Web
- Google Dorking
- Web Proxy
- Proxy Chains
Benefits Of learning Ethical Hacking
The ethical hacking industry has received a generous amount of spotlight in the past few years, especially since the GDPR regulations have been revised. If you’re still contemplating whether an ethical hacking career is your cup of tea, then here are top 10 reasons to learn ethical hacking that might convince you to build a career around it:
- Job never gets boring
- Work in any industry
- Generous salary
- A greater sense of achievement
- Plenty of opportunities
- The thrill of hacking
- Global recognition
- Get to travel the world
- Work for fortune 500 companies
- Protect yourself

What is Ethical Hacking and what it is used for?
Ethical hacking involves a hacker agreeing with an organization or individual who authorizes the hacker to levy cyber attacks on a system or network to expose potential vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker is also sometimes referred to as a white hat hacker. Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. An ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client. They cannot work to discover vulnerabilities and then demand payment to fix them. This is what gray hat hackers do. Ethical hackers are also different from black hat hackers, who hack to harm others or benefit themselves without permission.
Is Ethical Hacking a good career?
Yes, ethical hacking is a good career because it is one of the best ways to test a network. An ethical hacker tries to locate vulnerabilities in the network by testing different hacking techniques on them. In many situations, a network seems impenetrable only because it hasn’t succumbed to an attack in years. However, this could be because black hat hackers are using the wrong kinds of methods. An ethical hacker can show a company how they may be vulnerable by levying a new type of attack that no one has ever tried before. When they successfully penetrate the system, the organization can then set up defenses to protect against this kind of penetration. This unique security opportunity makes the skills of an ethical hacker desirable for organizations that want to ensure their systems are well-defended against cybercriminals.
Is Ethical hacking legal?
Yes, ethical hacking is legal because the hacker has full, expressed permission to test the vulnerabilities of a system. An ethical hacker operates within constraints stipulated by the person or organization for which they work, and this agreement makes for a legal arrangement. An ethical hacker is like someone who handles quality control for a car manufacturer. They may have to try to break certain components of the vehicle such as the windshield, suspension system, transmission, or engine to see where they are weak or how they can improve them. With ethical hacking, the hacker is trying to “break” the system to ascertain how it can be less vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, if an ethical hacker attacks an area of a network or computer without getting expressed permission from the owner, they could be considered a gray hat hacker, violating ethical hacking…
Why do hackers use Linux?
Many hackers use the Linux operating system (OS) because Linux is a free and open-source OS, meaning that anyone can modify it. It’s easy to access and customize all parts of Linux, which allows a hacker more control over manipulating the OS. Linux also features a well-integrated command-line interface, giving users a more precise level of control than many other systems offer. While Linux is considered more secure than many other systems, some hackers can modify existing Linux security distributions to use them as hacking software. Most ethical hackers prefer Linux because it’s considered more secure than other operating systems and does not generally require the use of third-party antivirus software. Ethical hackers must be well-versed in Linux to identify loopholes and combat malicious hackers, as it’s one of the most popular systems for web servers.
What skills do Ethical Hackers need to know?
In addition to proficiency in basic computer skills and use of the command line, ethical hackers must also develop technical skills related to programming, database management systems (DBMS), use of the Linux operating system (OS), cryptography, creation and management of web applications and computer networks like DHCP, NAT, and Subnetting. Becoming an ethical hacker involves learning at least one programming language and having a working knowledge of other common languages like Python, SQL, C++, and C. Ethical hackers must have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically to come up with and test new solutions for securing systems. Ethical hackers should also understand how to use reverse engineering to uncover specifications and check a system for vulnerabilities by analyzing its code.